Growing A Mustache: The Basics

- Rip Bains

Growing A Mustache: The Basics

Mustaches are back, if you haven’t noticed. So, if you’ve ever considered growing your own mustache, now may be the time. However, as with most things, there is a right and wrong way to do so. That’s why you’ll want to follow this guide to growing a mustache: the basics.

Grow All Facial Hair

Because facial hair grows at different speeds, you’ll want to grow all of it out first to allow the hair on your upper lip, which can grow more slowly or sparsely, time to fill in. This is a great time to treat your facial hair with Lovely Beards’ organic beard growing products.

Get a Good Trimmer

You get what you pay for with everything in life, and such is the case with a beard and mustache trimmer. You’ll want one that has enough power and numerous attachments for trimming different types of hair on different parts of your face.

Trim Away What You Don’t Want

Many men make the mistake of continuing to grow out the hair they don’t want on their face. Now that you know to first grow all your facial hair out, the next step is to trim away the hair you don’t want. Do it slowly and conservatively until you get a sense of what kind of mustache you want to leave behind, then nourish what’s left with the best oil for beard growth money can buy.

Choose a Style

There are many mustache styles from which to choose, but not all fit every face. Do a little research, look in the mirror, think about what shape would best complement your face, and go for it. 

This is not rocket science, and it should be fun, as a mustache can say a little more about who you are to the world. With Lovely Beards’ beard balm for growth, and this guide to growing a mustache: the basics, you’ll be looking at the new you in short order.

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