New York photographer brings some bubbly to beards

These beards give a whole new meaning to the words “clean shave.” "Bubbleissimo" takes men with clean-shaven faces and applies 'facial hair' made from bubble soap. Mashable spoke with Cikanavicius via email who said his project “examines modern men and their grooming obsession to facial hair, and how it personifies masculinity.” The inspiration for the project came from observing how beards have risen in popularity in recent years. “I wanted to create a project that was humorous and entertaining; an heroic portrait of man with a bubble beard," Cikanavicius said. "I chose bubbles because it's temporary, like a trend, it pops when it reaches it's end." Want to be on our site or have a good beard news piece you’d like to share? Let us know!  You can contact us here or on Facebook, and Twitter LovelyBeards

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