Say hello to one of our coolest Beardy Folk to date, AJ! Where are you from? I live in Oaklyn, New Jersey.
How long have you had a beard for? I've had some length of facial for over 10 years now. This beard has been growing for about 15 months.
How would you describe your beard? My beard is soft and bushy :)
What is the best thing about having a beard? For me, the best part of having a beard is when my lady gets her fingers all in it at the end of the day.
Does having a beard help when juggling chairs? It actually makes balancing objects harder because I have less friction to work with and the hair settles from side to side. However it does help me YoYo and juggle!
Has anything changed for you since growing your beard? My entire life has changed in the life span of this beard. It's been growing as long as I've been sober. I'm back to performing again! And I'm making money and my lady and I just got our first house together. It's worth noting that I'll be attempting the world record for the longest time balancing and electric lawn mower on my chin while it's running next month. Thank you to AJ for sharing his beard on our site and best of luck in the World Record Attemp. Check out AJ's website here at Are you reading this and want to be on the site? Let us know contact us here or on Facebook, and Twitter.