Beardy Folk - Ryan

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Happy Monday! Ryan Say hello to Ryan.    Where are you from? I'm from Dublin Ireland.

How long have you had a beard for? I have been growing it from baby face to what it is now and that's took about 5 months

How would you describe your beard? I would describe it as tough and resilient because it's been through alot of wear and tear but I'd still going strong. ryan

What is the best thing about having a beard? The best thing I've noticed about having a beard is the confidence it has given me. I've always wanted one and now that I am in a position to have one I will never shave again. 

Has anything changed for you since growing your beard? A lot has changed since growing it initially people were sceptical about it because of the stigma that goes with having one but once I got past the 2/3 month park it came into its own. It has been accepted  by friends, family and work colleagues a-like with open arms. It's like part of the family now so that has really boosted my confiendece. I've noticed an increase in attention from woman which is nice. If there was a down side to having a beard it can get alot more attention then I was expecting from men. As crazy as it seems me keep coming up to me on a night out when I'm talking to a woman or friends and start asking to touch my beard and how long I've been growing. Thank you to Ryan for sharing his beard on our site. Do you reading this want to be on the site?  Let us know contact us here or on Facebook, and Twitter

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