Beardy Folk - Alex

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Nothing like the weekend coming to cheer everyone up, unless you have a beard of course!   Say hello to Alex.  FullSizeRender Where are you from? I am from Orange County, California. U.S.A.   How long have you been growing your beard? I have had my beard growing for 4 months now.   What is the best thing about having a beard? The best thing about having a beard is is the freedom of self expression and unleashing your wild side. FullSizeRender_1 Has anything changed for you since growing a beard? Yes, I've noticed random people give me more respect and treat me a lot better than when I didn't have a beard. FullSizeRender_2 Thank you to Alex for coming on to our site and for sharing his bearded ways!   Want to be on our site? We would love to hear from you.  You can contact us here or on Facebook, and Twitter LovelyBeards    

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