Beardy Fan - Crystal

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We know many people are fans of beards, and we wanted to share why they like beards.    Say hello to Crystal.  Crystal Where are you from? I am from Montana, but now live in Utah, America.   What do you like most about beards? I like beards because I like a man, and not a boy. I love running my hand through a beard!   If you could grow a beard, what type would it be? I honestly couldn't tell you. Sadly I will never know! crystal Would you rather a man with a beard, or do clean shaven men still have their charm? I personally prefer a man with a beard.   Do you think a man needs to have a beard and tattoos? I don't think it is vital, but they are very sexy. crystal Thank you to Crystal for supporting the site.  Are you a fan of beards and want to be on the site? Let us know! You can contact us here or on Facebook, and Twitter   lovely beards      

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