Beardy - Emmett

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Welcome to our Beardy - Emmett.  Once we saw this man's Irish beard we knew we had to have him on the site. Say hello to Emmett Burns from Dublin, Ireland.    Emmett Burns

We asked Emmett the following about his beard, and here is what he had to say:


How long have you had your beard?

My current beard I have had for two years I just keep it trimmed.


If your beard had a name what would it be?

Jebadiah Redbeard


Have you noticed any changes in your life thanks to the beard?

The main changes I have noticed are that people take you more seriously.

Also much more women look at me. Oh and babies stare at me!


Would you consider going full Mo for Movember?

I honestly don't think I could. I could not live down the abuse I would get from my family and friends!


Any beard you wish you could have?

I would love to have Ricki hall's beard it's insane.



Thanks Emmett for sharing your Beard on here, your a top Beardy!

Make sure to follow Emmett on Instagram and Twitter.



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